A Family for All

Love one another as I have loved you

Our Aims

To get to know one another

Family groups help people get to know other members of their parish community.

To support each other

Members of a family group support each other, sharing each others joys and sorrows and so building the Christian community as in the early Church.

To involve our children

Family groups bring together people of all ages and help us involve our children in our Christian sharing directly, if possible, or indirectly by our example.

What is a Family Group?

The Passionist Family Group Movement aims to build Christian community through the development of extended families. With loneliness and isolation so prevalent in our society, there is a genuine need for people to know and support each other. Family Groups create an extended family atmosphere within the community and are open to everyone. Our focus is on people caring for, loving and accepting each other.

Love one another as I have loved you.

Family Groups provide an extended family for all who wish to belong – married, single or divorced, young, old or in-between. There is a giving and receiving by all members of the group to each other. Everyone is welcome to join.

The Passionist Family Group Movement was established in 1972 by Fr Peter McGrath cp at St Anthony in the Fields Catholic Church, Terry Hills in the northern suburbs of Sydney, Australia. From humble beginnings the movement has now spread to New Zealand, USA, UK and Ireland.

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